• matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,677
    New to Finale 2012: Renaissance music, early jazz piano repertoire, intermediate piano pieces, holiday titles, manuscript paper templates, chant notation, and Schenkerian analysis.

    Does this just mean it'll be easier to do modern chant notation? Or...?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,225
    I don't know, but I will be upgrading in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned...
  • Cool! May be time to upgrade...
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
    Where do you see those features listed? I've been all over Finale's "What's New?" pages and I don't see any of that.
  • An expanded library of resources.
    Finale now provides more than 1,000 examples of music education worksheets, repertoire, and more for you to use or to customize for your needs.

    New to Finale 2012: Renaissance music, early jazz piano repertoire, intermediate piano pieces, holiday titles, manuscript paper templates, chant notation, and Schenkerian analysis.

    New in Finale 2012 - Music Composition and Notation Software
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,225
    I've not upgraded yet, but I think one still has to use an add-on for chant notation (the same one as always was available and has not had the best of reviews).

    Better, for my purposes, is the ability to import other things, such as pictures, graphics, etc. - which sounds as if I can import chant notation prepared with other systems, such as Gregorio/GABC.
  • I upgraded the very morning it was available, and found myself very disappointed that so many issues that I deal with had not been addressed. While I've always been one to upgrade every year, I actually called Finale, and "returned" it for a refund. They didn't seem remotely surprised about my request, nor did they try to sell me on keeping the new version. I was very pleased with how they handled it.

    I am a very long-time user of Finale, but find myself using Score almost exclusively now-a-days, with the exception of orchestral work. I can appreciate that they made significant structural changes to framework of the app, but for what I use it for, there was no reason to upgrade. I tend to spend more time fixing the appearance of the music than entering the music.
  • Better, for my purposes, is the ability to import other things, such as pictures, graphics, etc. - which sounds as if I can import chant notation prepared with other systems, such as Gregorio/GABC.

    I quite like to assemble everything in InDesign--as it gives more control over the appearance and output than Finale does.