Dear Fr. Spencer, I have been following your work with great interest and hoping that I'll have a chance to use these propers at Mass when my family moves back to the southwest. Is there a plan to continue composition of the propers in Spanish for the Lenten and Easter seasons?
Actually I have completed the introit, offertory, and communion antiphons for Advent through Easter season of the Simplex. I have done March 19, March 25, and nearly all of the various Masses for Ordinary Time. I'm just juggling so many things that pushing them to the website hasn't happened yet (all of this work is on my own free time and my priestly/religious duties often leave little time for me to devote to "completing" these other enjoyable pursuits!).
As a down payment though, here is an unfinished draft (not ideally formatted and probably with mistakes!) of most of Lent, with the exception of the second Sunday which is taken from the feast of the Transfiguration! Blessings.
Do you have tutorials? Also, will there be one for the Transfiguration, since it's coming up this weekend? You are indeed a blessing to the Spanish-language Church!!!
Thank you for posting. These are very nice. I wonder if it was intentional to leave out the Solesmes rhythm signs, or was it a limitation of the notation program.
I mentioned it because, based on the recordings provided for the Ave Maria, there is a discrepancy. I have seen the Ave Maria chant with ictus marks, moras and at least one episema. The pdf version offered from the link above has none if this, yet his recording tells a different story. Just trying to satisfy my curiosity.
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