Advent: Kyrie XVII... A B or C?
  • bgeorge77
    Posts: 190
    At the "LifeTeen Mass" at my parish we try to follow the Vatican's lead on which Kyrie to sing for each season.

    So, Advent is coming up, so Kyrie XVII... but which one? Gregorian Missal lists three: A B and C. Liber Usualis lists two, A and B, which don't correspond to GM's A and B.

    So which one will the Vatican be using?

    I don't have my books here, but I think that:
    GM Kyrie XVIIa = LU ad libitum Kyrie XI.
    GM Kyrie XVIIb = LU Kyrie XVIIa.
    GM Kyrie XVIIc = LU Kyrie XVIIb.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    Your correspondence is correct. Kyrie XVII-A (in the 1974 Graduale Romanum) is an older version of Kyrie XVII-B (in the 1974 Graduale Romanum), and even the 1961 Graduale Romanum says about its Kyrie ad libitum XI (the Kyrie XVII-A in the 1974 Graduale Romanum): «In dominicis Adventus et Quadragesimae». I have no idea which of the three Kyries will be sung at St. Peter, since published norms only mention Mass XVII without further specifications. (I do know we'll sing XVII-C in our church since it is the easiest of the three.)