Looking for some Psalterium Monasticum antiphons
  • benstoxbenstox
    Posts: 23
    Hello everyone,
    This is the first time I've posted here. I am organising a weekly sung Friday Vespers in Latin at my university according to the Liturgia Horarum, and I would like to use the music outlined in the Ordo Cantus Officii. I am currently missing either 3 or 4 antiphons from the four weeks of Fridays: Adjutor in tribulationibus (PM 118), Omnia quaecumque (PM 324), Per singulos dies (PM 342), and Omnes gentes (PM 377), unless this last one is the same as the antiphon Omnes gentes per gyrum found in the Liber Usualis, p1761. I'm not sure what the full text is of the PM Omnes gentes would be. Does anyone know of an online source for these antiphons? If not, would there be anyone with a Psalterium Monasticum handy, that wouldn't mind scanning? I'm not in any hurry but I had noticed an earlier post where someone asked for something similar, and I thought I'd have a go.
  • Psalterium Monasticum chants transcribed, attached as PDF. If you can find a copy, PM is a very useful book to have, and a great source of antiphon melodies.
  • Two of the chants actually use a punctum liquescens, so I attached these two below.

    You can buy the Psautier Monastique from the webshop of Solesmes. The Psalterium Monasticum isn't available anymore, but this Latin-French edition has all the chants that are in the Latin-only version. There are only numerous errors in the index.

    Do you have the Responsorium Breve too (Christus dilexit and Mortuus est Christus)? I have already typeset these for my Antiphonale Romanum project.
  • benstoxbenstox
    Posts: 23
    Ah, fantastic! Thanks very much for your help! I will invest in a Psautier monastique then.

    No, I don't have music for the Responsoria. Are they to the same melody as "In manus tuas Domine..." by any chance? Otherwise, I would be very grateful if you could help me with those as well, or with the Magnificat antiphon Deposuit potentes (PM 345) which I just realised I'm missing as well.

    Thanks again!
  • Here they are:
  • benstoxbenstox
    Posts: 23
    Once again, thanks very much! I started this without realising that it would be so difficult to cobble together, just following the books.