I would very much appreciate it if those of you with "eagle eyes" (not Eagle's wings!) would look over the next year and make sure I did not make any serious errors regarding the placement of FEASTS.
As you know, the Liturgical Ordo's for the Extraordinary Form (a.k.a. "Tridentine Rite" or "Latin Mass") will not be on sale until at least Thanksgiving according to Fr. Scott Haynes.
So it is not IMPOSSIBLE that I could have made a mistake. I don't think I did, but please double check for me. THANKS!
What Ordinary setting should we use for the the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and the Solemnity of the Precious Blood? Is it okay to use Orbis Factor on both? Or does Precious Blood require De Angelis? Thanks.
The "assignment' of Masses to different classes of feasts in the Liber Usualis/Graduale is generally not considered to be binding, so Orbis Factor is fine.
But regardless, Precious Blood and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist are first class feasts, so the matching Graduale assignments would be II (Kyrie fons bonitatis) or III (Kyrie Deus sempiterne), not de Angelis (which is one of 5 ordinaries assigned to 2nd class feasts.)
Thanks, Jahasa. I thought De Angelis was for solemnities of the Lord between Easter and Advent, i.e., Ascension, Feast of the Sacred Heart, Corpus Christi, Precious Blood? But if there's no rule against it, I'm afraid De Angelis and Credo III are what we will be using for July 1, being that we're a small 2-year old EF congregation (less than 15) and the only settings we know at present are Orbis Factor, De Angelis, Cum Jubilo, Lux et Origo, and the one for Sundays of Advent and Lent. It will take a long time before we can learn Fons Bonitatis and Deus Sempiterne, but in time we will. Thank you very much for your response and God bless.
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