Alleluia "Timebunt gentes"
  • Dear friends,

    Alleluia for 18th Sunday after Pentecost has no neumatic notation in AISCGre books. Graduel Neume says it was taken from Chartres 47. I'm working now on the rhytmic interpretation - can I have a look at that Chartres manuscript? Where?

    Any suggestions will be appreciated.
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    I just sat down to write next week's article for Let me see what I can come up with on this one! Might make an interesting post.
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    Well, I'm afraid I can't give you an air-tight interpretation at this point. Some of the neumes are familiar from other chants (eg. the cadence on "gentes"). Others are recognizable even in their square forms (strophae on "reges," the long clivis following the quilisma groupon "Domine," and the frequent occurrence of the pressus) and can be interpreted according to convention. ut the rest, I couldn't say without spending some time with it.

    Here's the Chartres manuscript (bottom right and the following page) if you want to venture a more thorough study.
  • Thanks for your tips, incantu.