Kyrie, Missa Solemnis : by Koerber : (free to all)
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,199
    Hauntingly nice!
  • Lovely. I have just created a new folder in my (exceedingly large) Scores folder, subfolder Masses, for this Mass as you finish it.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,848
    Gloria... hmmm... I really got carried away with this one... (it's not done yet)

    I realized that I will have to put this in a different Mass as I want this posting to be singable by most choirs.

    O well, you should hear this as it is quite contemporary and really goes out on the edge.

    hear first half

    see first half
  • francis
    Posts: 10,848
    Sorry, Mark... typo... typed once and the rest was cut and paste. Thanks for the catch.
