Kyrie questions
  • Hello you knowledgeable liturgy folk - my priest asked me: Is a cantor allowed to sing the tropes and Kyrie if the Kyrie is part of the Act of Penitence or does it have to be at least a deacon singing the tropes?

    Also, at my church sometimes the Kyrie is omitted after the act of penitence if the confiteor is said. This isn't supposed to happen, right?

    The GIRM says 'a trope may precede each acclamation' of the Kyrie - Does this mean the tropes flexible? Would it be ok if we began using now the tropes according to the new missal translation?

    Thanks a lot!
  • jpal
    Posts: 365
    The Missal says "The Priest, or a Deacon or another minister, then says the following or other invocations." There is a footnote referring to "sample invocations" in the appendix. So it would seem that the invocations could be other than what's in the Missal (otherwise the Missal ones would be "options" as opposed to "samples"), and that they could be intoned by the cantor or choir.
