Gregorian Chant Workshop Sponsored by Una Voce Los Angeles
  • June Ely
    Posts: 46
    Gregorian Chant Workshop
    Sponsored by Una Voce Los Angeles

    Saturday October 8, 2011 8:30 am - 5 pm
    St. Victor's Catholic Church
    8634 Holloway Drive
    West Hollywood, California 90069
    (310) 652-6477


    Participants will learn the basics of chant under the direction of Kathy Reinheimer, the Director of the Regina Pacis Cantorum choir and Sursum Corda schola, which sing throughout the Diocese of Reno and the Sierra foothills of California. Ms. Reinheimer is an experienced chanter, having studied under the world’s leading experts in Gregorian chant. She is also a gifted teacher. She will be your guide through the basic chant repertoire of the Church.
  • Chant Comes To Hollywood!
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Kathy R. goes to Hollywood!!
  • Yeah, Kathy! She is a blessing to those who learn from her. :)
  • Yes to Kathy in Hollywood!
    FNJ, chant never left Hollywood. See: St. Charles Borromeo, Salamunovich, Paul.:-)
  • *Bump*

    There is still time to sign up and/or pass the word~