Are you prohibited from using Missal chants for six months?
  • I'm curious if your diocese has mandated a particular Mass setting other than the Missal chants, and therefore effectively prohibited parishes from using music of the Roman Missals music for a time after implementation.

    You can answer here or write me privately.
  • No, to the contrary, the inaptly named "Music Mentors" adjunct to the diocesan liturgical commission thought it an affront to mandate anything, much less a simple Mass setting. And they displayed no evidence of comprehension of "the teachable moment" regarding any form of promoting the ICEL chant Mass as an opportunity siezed and to run with, as opposed to the lost moment known as "Jubilate Deo."
    Being part of a mini-see (rhymes with Mini Me), Dr. Evil here has, indeed, mandated that our four parishes' English music leadership WILL use the ICEL setting, accompanied or a capella, on the last Sunday uniformly for the foreseeable future. No rebellion, no kvetching, and they get the fact that whether it's SIMPLEX or RALPH SHERWIN, the ICEL is the gateway to congregational chant.
    In fairness, I must say that being a full service DM, we will also utilize 3 Masses of varying styles in a systematic and fairly uniform implementation.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    For one year beginning with Advent, we must use Missa Luna, the English chant Ordinary from the missal, or the Latin chant Ordinary. We may choose one or more of the three. However, when the bishop visits - an infrequent event - we will use Missa Luna. After the infamous year is up, we will look for other mass settings to use. I plan to keep the chant masses.
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 783
    ha. yes.
  • Charles....dear heavens!! Missa Luna??? What diocese is this?!?!
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    Knoxville, Tennessee. I would agree with anything negative you could possibly say about Missa Luna. I call it the song that does not end, since it has one theme that repeats again and again. It's not a very original work.