Chant Camp at St. Anne's- 65 campers!
  • In your charity, would you please pray for Chant Camp, to be held next week at St. Anne Church (FSSP) in San Diego. I would have been entirely thrilled with 20 campers. But now we have 65 kids attending! Campers will learn the basics of chant, have three days with lunch/recreation in a huge park, 1 afternoon to sing for Carmelite sisters and residents of a retirement home, all the while preparing for a Missa Cantata (Mass XI and full Gregorian propers) on August 12.

    The idea of 65 young voices lifted in sung prayer in our little church is thrilling. Please pray for Fr. Joel Kiefer, who will be our priestly help, my assistant teachers, Ryan Mulvey, Maria Kuss, and me. It is our aim to train the children well, in order to praise God with skillful singing. We desire that many graces would be given to these children that will help them remain ardent and faithful Catholics! I am so excited and daunted by this I can hardly stand it. :)
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Wow, MA, that's fantastic! Prayers for your success!!!
  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Thank you MA. It's wonderful, and you ARE truly brave. I'll pray for the camp. What is the camp schedule like and what are the ages of the campers?
  • Hi Mia! I will do my best to remember to attach a schedule.
    Basically, if you've been to a CMAA chant intensive, imagine that with a longer lunch break off campus. Fr. Kiefer is on soccer detail and leads opening and closer prayer, focuses kids on spiritual aims of the chant. And permission slips/driver lists/parent volunteers everywhere.

    To summarize day one-
    Kyrie XI learned
    Ave verum corpus learned
    Gloria XI started
    Ave Maris stella started
    Some neumes learned
    Big group sorted, remedial work with assistant teacher
    Sore feet
    Slight sunburn
    Now its bedtime for this Singing Mum.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,516
    Day 2 report? This sounds incredible!
  • Day 2 report-
    Review of day 1 chants except Ave verum
    Gloria learned
    Introit learned- older trebles
    Offertory started- older guys
    Gradual (Gregorian) started- older chorister girls
    Ave Maris stella learned
    Panis angelicus (Lambillotte, SA) with younger beginner group
    Adoro te devote almost all learned
    Sanctus XI listened to
    Soccer with priest and deacon (yours truly gets out of it)
    Feet better
    Nose less sunburned
    Voice limping a little...
    Kids mostly excited, all returned.
  • MA, it is sounding wonderful! My prayers are with you.

    When you (eventually) surface, I would love to see your schedule and your postpartum (rather that than 'postmortum'!) notes for future reference.