What gets sung during a Corpus Christi Processions? I know this is an elementary question, but my brain is refusing to locate the answer. We're talking about a parish procession here. And any tips on keeping the folks together? Thanks much.
We have used handbells (sorry, Jeffrey!) because they are audible over lengthy distances outdoors and serve to keep everyone on pitch and at least reasonably together rhythmically. Choose a few bells in a triad or a cluster and sing everything to that key, sounding the bells either all together at the cadences, or in a repeating rhythmic pattern. As to repertoire, I have had the best success with music that people know by heart: Taize refrains, familiar antiphons, and so on. Asking people to sing, walk, and read at the same time is asking a bit much. If they can simply sing and walk, they are more likely to participate. I also "plant" choir members and other strong singers amongst the group.
We just sing Eucharistic hymns, like Panis Angelicus/Jesus Our Living Bread, Jesus My Lord My God My All, O Lord I Am Not Worthy, etc. The choir members and anyone in the procession near us sings, but I don't think the majority of people can hear us well enough to sing along.
We have a parish "Brass Ensemble" of six or so members - adult and youth. This is especially effective for outdoor processions. With this group, the unity of congregational singing can easily be maintained for metric hymns but not as conveniently for chants. For chants, the instrumentalists need to understand the rhythm and know where the duple (quarter note) and single (eighth note) rests are, and I suggest that the instrumentalists closely follow the direction of the choir director.
Mike, would it be in unison octaves for the horns for the chant? -- organum?
"Salve festa dies" - the one we sing in many churches with the R.V.W. hymntune, actually has tons of verses. It was a very long poem that paralleled the seasons of the year with the Liturgical Year. It was composed as a Processional, and caught on throughout Europe. There are examples for all the Feasts of Our Lord and Our Lady, and many well known saints. There was one for Corpus Christi as well, I think about 24 verses. You can find the Latin texts for all of these in the 55 volume "Analecta Hymnica", and I think it's even available on-line. I don't think it has ever been translated into English. Any Latinists out there?
Last year I was criticized for constant singing during the procession and not allowing people time to say vocal prayers (we walk for several city blocks). Any format suggestions for the procession? I'd like to avoid songsheets because they're so hard to distribute since the procession takes place immediately after the Communite rite of the Mass. Thanks!
The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite has the following (no. 703-705): (1) the cross bearer carrying the cross or banner, flanked by the candle bearers; (2) religious associations, sodalities, etc., perhaps carrying their own banners; (3) religious in their habits; (4) the clergy, in choir dress (and copes); (5) the concelebrants of the Mass; (6) the two thurifers in front of the canopy, customarily swinging the thuribles with their inside hand. Directly under the canopy walks the celebrant, carrying the Eucharist devoutly at eye-level, with the deacon(s) beside and slightly behind him, holding back his cope, if necessary. No one else walks beneath the canopy. The torch bearers with torches or lanterns walk along each side of the canopy. (...) Directed by the ushers in the church, the people who are to walk in the procession follow the canopy.
The Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite again (no. 705): The singing is led by the choir and the cantor(s) - either walking in the midst of the people or singing from a fixed point, with appropriate amplification.
After Communion our choir comes out in robes in front of the altar, kneeling, until the procession is underway. They follow the priest. We accompany the Pange Lingua as long as the procession is in the church.
Honestly, I think it might work better to string out the choir along the whole length of the procession, maybe two by two. Unless everybody knows the songs and everybody is prepared to sing, or unless the procession is really really short, it just doesn't work to have the whole choir in one place. (The brass band that Old St. Patrick's in Columbus uses is fully audible everywhere, but the open air is notorious for dispersing the sound of singing.)
The other thing that occurs to me is that, if you have any doubts about people's breath control while walking, antiphonal singing of hymns might work better. The old guys never seem to run out of breath, but the younger people do! Giving people a line to recover would probably improve stamina. You can also get the men vs women sound thing going.
You know, if you had a format where you sing a hymn, say a prayer, sing a hymn, say a prayer, that might work.
Of course, the traditional format of stopping at "altars" along the way to pray would give people more time for vocal prayer, also, as well as letting people get their breath. :)
Our parish began this tradition six years ago, in response to the JPII-designated "Year of the Eucharist."
Our Schola is interspersed throughout the crowd, with one member using a portable PA to lead the singing/praying. All pilgrims carry booklets with a song/prayer/song/prayer format. Hymns include: Humbly, Lord, We Worship You, O Sacrament Most Holy, Shepherd of Souls, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Panis Angelicus, Beautiful Savior, etc. Of course O Salutaris is sung as the priest incenses & venerates the Blessed Sacrament before the procession & Benediction hymns are sung when procession ends back in the church.
The Corpus Christi procession was initiated by our Spiritual Growth and Liturgy Committee, with full backing of our pastors then and since.
Initially we worried about folks not singing together, however, they do their best and they do it reverently, so I do believe those efforts are blessed.
By next year we hope to have three portable altars/shrines ready to use for the procession. The prospect of a short prayerful respite (even though the route is not lengthy) would greatly help those with walking or respiratory problems.
Tomorrow's probable lineup (1962 Missal Corpus Christi, observed on Thursday): O Salutaris Pange Lingua Ave Verum Sacris solemniis (at least the last two verses: Panis angelicus) Adoremus in aeternum.
Our procession stays inside, and the choir stays in the loft. When we have the choir in procession, I try to insist they move in pairs and stay together. Otherwise, the music doesn't stay together, as we sing a cappella almost exclusively.
After the fact - - sorry. But perhaps this will be useful for some of you for Corpus Christi 2011. At St. John the Baptist Church in Front Royal, VA, we had our eleventh annual Corpus Christi procession yesterday. It attracts more people and becomes more beautiful each year. It begins with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the church, then the procession begins- - down Main Street to a temporary altar in the gazebo on the "town square" with three parish choirs following the altar boys, etc. and the priest with the monstrance; recent First Communicants in their special garments (little girls strewing rose petals), followed by parishioners; some parishioners line the street and join the procession as it reaches them. Benediction at the gazebo, procession back to the church where the ceremony is completed. The music (texts printed in a program):
Exposition in the church: O Salutaris Hostia
Procession from the church: Adoro Te Devote; O Jesus, We Adore Thee; Panis Angelicus, Ave Verum Corpus (chant).
Benediction at the Gazebo: Tantum Ergo
Procession back to the Church: Soul of My Savior; Godhead Here in Hiding (sung to melody of Adoro Te Devote); Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
Inside the Church: Pange Lingua (and repose of the Bl. Sacrament)
Then- - a big ice cream social in the parish hall- - always a big hit with the youngsters. No singing!
Preparing for a Eucharistic procession (just for fun--not any particular liturgical feast; well part of 40-hour devotion). What are some other traditional chants for such processions? Hymns, litanies? etc. I was thinking of Adoro Te which has lots of verses, but many of the above mentioned hymns will be incorporated throughout the 40 hours. It was suggested to use some litanies such as to the Holy Name or the Sacred Heart, during the actual procession, but are there traditional melodies for these? I've only ever sung the Litany of Saints.
We did a big "through the downtown and around several blocks" procession in 2012. We asked the professional singers (in their robes) to try to maintain a distance of 15-20 feet between each other, so that each could be an anchor to the people who happened to be near. Even so, trying to stay musically together while 1000 people are singing and walking outside is just shy of impossible. We ended up with several groups singing the same thing out of phase with each other (sometimes by one or two lines of lyric!). No one seemed to mind.
Also, we had a brass quintet that set up in a nearby park and played Gabrieli. When the procession approached, the singing stopped, and all were serenaded by brass. When the procession had fully passed and the singing resumed, the brass players sprinted to another location along the route and set up. As the procession passed THAT spot, again the singing ceased to hear the brass, and then having passed them, began again. The procession concluded in the church with benediction and Eucharistic adoration (and brass on "Holy God" at the end). I've attached the music sheet that we had printed up and available for people. We only had two songs for the procession - "Adoro te" and the first four verses of "Pange lingua," both in English (per the pastor's instructions).
We'll be reprising this procession this year. I think the only difference will be once we get into the church for Benediction at the end: the Sequence has been cut this year.
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