Need access to a Nocturnale Romanum
  • I need to put together a program for a nocturnal Eucharistic vigil that includes the office of sung Matins (Sunday). I haven't been able to find the chants of Matins online. Does anyone have a Nocturnale that they could scan? I could try the library, but time is of the essence. Also the Sandhofe Nocturnale (2002) is beyond my budget at the moment (99 euros). I would be willing to use a pre-Pian (e.g. Ratisbon) version of the chant if I could find it.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > I would be willing to use a pre-Pian (e.g. Ratisbon) version of the chant if I could find it.

    There are complete editions of the 1862 Dominican Antiphonarium (including Matins) at Not everything matches the Roman Rite, of course, and with the reforms of S. Pius X the Roman Rite became even more different.

    But... let me try to understand: you need Gregorian chant for Matins? Extraodinary Form? Or Ordinary Form (a.k.a. Office of Readings)? In the latter case, you should follow what the Ordo Cantus Officii prescribes.

    And what is the Sunday you need those Matins for?
  • Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (August Week III), Extraordinary Form (1962). As far as I know, there is only one edition of the Nocturnale following the Pian reforms: that of the late Holger Peter Sandhofe (2002). It seems the monks of Solesmes never got around to producing an edition.

    I'm afraid I don't know enough about the Dominican Rite to evaluate the differences.

    And in the case of the Liturgy of the Hours, one would still need the music of the chants.

    I have a Psalterium monasticum but it uses the Nova Vulgata which I would rather avoid.
  • Ihidaya
    Posts: 13
    Pedro - contact me off-line at . I may be able to help you.

    - Fr Arsenius
  • mahrt
    Posts: 517
    If you still want a scan from the Nocturnale, I have it and it would be easy to scan; send me an e-mail at
  • Thanks to all for your generous offers. I was able to borrow a copy from a colleague. Now I need to figure out how to reproduce a complete office. I'm assuming the common tones of the office can be found in the Liber Usualis (there are no tones for the lessons, orations, verses, etc.) and the psalms are unpointed. Also the material seems to be under copyright which raises other issues. I'm pretty sure I can get the requisite permission to reproduce the material, but does anyone know what happened to the electronic version of the Nocturnale that used to be on the web at Otherwise it's a big cut and paste job!
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    The complete Nocturnale was never on the web. The website was shut down after Holger Peter Sandhofe OSB, the editor of the scores to be found there, died. However, via and the wayback machine you can access the material that had been there.

    You can follow the way the office is laid out in the breviary. I attached the texts of Matins for the Sunday you asked for.

    (Perhaps the program gregorio might be a help for you to prepare the office)
  • pamino
    Posts: 5
    Just in passing: I’d be very surprised if the late HPS was OSB, though when he died I was working on the other side of the country and couldn’t make it to his funeral. The person who inherited everything was, however, a member of that Order; when I last heard of him, he was in the Schottenstift in Vienna and teaching musicology somewhere outside of it. I myself twice sang the Synagoga on Holy Saturday afternoon (dicta Nona, the rubrics say) in Holger’s pre-Bugnini Triduum Sacrum. I knew Holger reasonably well and corrected much of the Nocturnale, which was (and probably remained) full of glaring mistakes of words and notes, being at the end the product of a race against death. Holger’s invaluable experiments in Bonn-Kessenich convinced me, though, with the abovementioned rubric at their beginning and the rudimentary Vespers at their end, that what is being celebrated on that afternoon is the period between the ‘secret’ Resurrection and its publicising by the Angel valde mane una Sabbatorum […], orto jam sole, i. e. that during which Our Lord ‘descended into Hell’ to release the souls of the just.
  • I’d be very surprised if the late HPS was OSB

    Indeed. What could it be? Professio in articulo mortis?

    The Nocturnale can be bought at Doblinger music publishers (102 EUR):

    The H. P. Sandhofe's files (part of them) are archived here.

    For the night office, esp. responsories, a more up-to-date resource is GREGOFACSIMIL. Though it is arranged according to the monastic office. Which of the pieces are to be used for the Roman office you should consult a breviary. Beware also that if the response texts are fairly stable throughout space and time, the verse texts can be different from manuscript to manuscript (e.g., the Hartker can differ from the Tridentine breviary).
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    The link to Doblinger is broken; can you please check it?
    Thanked by 1Andris Amolins
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    CMAA also has copies of some HPS files at .
  • This was given by the google search:
    Nocturnale Romanum (Item 247306) - Musikhaus Doblinger
    Item Number:247306, Category:Vokalmusik CH, Edition:Buch geb., Editor:Holger Peter Sandhofe, ISBN:978-3-936476-01-9, Publisher:Hartker, Publishers ...

    Yesterday it gave the item with the price above. Today it leads to an error message. Sorry.