The Lateness of new hymnals...
  • Adam Schwend
    Posts: 203
    How is everyone handling the selection of a new hymnal?

    I am noticing with no little amount of consternation that many hymnals are projecting October releases. My top two choices so far, the St. Michael Hymnal and the Adoremus Hymnal, are expecting those later release dates. JMO's Vatican II Hymnal is said to be ready for at least preview by August or so....

    I appreciate everyone putting their hymn lists and Mass setting lists up, but until I hold the hymnal in my hand, review the accompaniment arrangements, and see an actual price, I'm in no place to make a decision. If they're talking about October, assuming there are no delays, I'm very concerned about their ability to turn around an 800 hymnal order in a few weeks.

    Am I the only one a little frustrated about this? How is everyone handling it?

    Adam S.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,997
    I am putting a mass card in the pews with one of the two approved masses we are required to use for the next year. It's the missal chants, of course. The other approved mass setting is a real dog which we would have to buy. Fortunately, the pastor doesn't want to spend any money right now, so the free missal chants are just what he wants. I can use the existing hymnal for another year or two. By then, there should be some new hymnals that have been tested in the trenches, reviewed on this forum, and by other trustworthy individuals and reputable sources.
  • Heath
    Posts: 969
    Adam, I'm with Charles on this one . . . it's probably best to use this year (or two) to retain the hymns you have in your current hymnal and to learn the ICEL Mass setting and whatever else your parish/diocese has chosen. I'm looking forward to the slew of new hymnals, but I certainly don't plan on having one in the pews for a year or three.
  • Adam Schwend
    Posts: 203
    The current hymnal is the OCP disposable music issue, so I can see us using them for a few extra months, but not much more than that.

    With that said, I hadn't really thought of that. I think it would probably acceptable to keep the hymnals for little while as we try to pin down a new hymnal.

    I'm open to other ideas, as well!
  • Mike R
    Posts: 106
    Since we'll be getting a new edition of LitPress's 3-year Sacred Song hymnal, it works out nicely to put off the idea of a permanent hymnal for another two or three years. If nothing is appealing enough by that point, we might just move to printing our own programs.
  • Our pastor has been wanting to dump the OCP Music Issue for the last few years. I am confident that either the Vatican II or the St. Michael will be ready and if it's a little late, oh well. Many on here seem to be quite ready and able to issue programs.
  • Francesca
    Posts: 51
    In the short term, since our Diocese is allowing us to rehearse and use the new text in September, I've requested the Mass of my choice (Mass of the Prophets and Martyrs) to be put on cardstock in a size possible to fit in our Missal bindings.

    We got what I thought was a strange and manipulative mailing from OCP stating that if they didn't hear from us a week after I got their letter in June (when a lot of decision makers are away or might just miss the mailing or think it was junk), we took a deep breath and cancelled. I've been looking to replace OCP for a while - It really is very expensive, especially if you buy updates for the support materials - apart from all the musical and theological issues. My pastor commented, 'I don't suppose they'll refuse to send us one more set if we order it,' so I guess that's the backup position.

    OCP will tell you that you can't use their materials past the expiry date since they claim you're paying for a subscription, not the actual copyrights.

    It's a nail biter, but my plan is to recommend that we hold out for the Vatican II Hymnal. I don't think bulk orders are going to be a problem for Corpus Christi Watershed, personally, and I think we'll have access to the new hymnal by Advent I when our OCP subscription runs out. Hope I'm right!
  • musings
    Posts: 23
    Hmmm, I vote with those who wait. I have thought about putting together a selection of hymns from the public domain and creating our own booklet. Especially in light of that fact that we are currently using the SEP for both the Offertory and Communion. At some point in the future we will move to restore the sung Introit. Then it kind of becomes a question of why I was still worried about a hymnal.