Incensation of the Altar LOTH
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    In a parish sung celebration of Lauds OF, should the priest incense the Altar during the Gospel Canticle? I am familiar with its use during the Magnificat, does the same apply for the Benedictus? What if it is led by a Deacon? What if it be a weekday vs. Sunday/Solemnity? What about the Altar candles, should they be lit?
  • newmanbenewmanbe
    Posts: 76
    The General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours, which can also be found in the first volume of the four volume Liturgy of the Hours is generally unhelpful about nearly everything.

    No. 261 says this about incense:
    During the gospel canticle at morning prayer and evening prayer there may be an incensation of the altar, then of the priest and congregation.
    There are, as far as I know, no restrictions on the day. One religious community I know uses incense on Sundays and other solemnities, but not on weekdays. It does say priest, but it does not say who does the incensing. No. 256 says:
    It belongs to the presiding priest or deacon, at the chair, to open the celebration with the introductory verse, begin the Lord's Prayer, say the concluding prayer, greet the people, bless them, and dismiss them.
    No. 258 says:
    In the absence of a priest or deacon, the one who presides at the office is only one among equals and does not enter the sanctuary or greet and bless the people.
    Presumably, the altar is in the sanctuary, which could pose a problem in the «absence of a priest or deacon» and incensing the people is a form of blessing. That being said, I see no reason not to light incense, even if you don’t go waving it around.

    I have never seen any directions on candles for the Liturgy of the Hours. For the Extraordinary Form, I know that two altar candles may be used at Compline and more at Vespers. I would look at the rubrics for EF Vespers and use your best judgement.
  • newmanbenewmanbe
    Posts: 76
    How is it that you plan on singing the Liturgy of the Hours?
  • Aaron
    Posts: 110
    Thanks for the info. I take the Grail Psalter and point it to be sung with the Saint Meinrad modal psalm tones. On Sundays or Solemnities, I use the antiphons as set in GIAs Worship Liturgy of the Hours edition and then pair them with the corresponding psalm tone from St. Meinrad. On days like today, I just have the antiphon sung to the same tone as the psalm. I use the seasonal responsory as set by GIA. For the gospel canticles I use a metrical translation set to a hymn tune. If you know of any other resources that would be of help please let me know. I am familar with the Mundelein Psalter but at this stage for the parish, I prefer to use all accompanied psalmody.