Order of Sung Mass Booklet in modern notation?
  • lmassery
    Posts: 424
    Hi all - I really like the Order of Sung Mass transcribed in Gregorian notation by Aristotle. My church needs something exactly like that but in modern notation. I know it is all on the ICEL site but I like Aristotle's layout better which doesn't include all of the red ink instructions and is more concise. Is there a free copy online of the order of Mass that has been reworked to look more like that? Thanks
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 780
    Yeah, I would appreciate that, too!
    But I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to make... (Maybe someone [like me? :-o ] should think about that...)
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    I had resigned myself to making one. If someone else makes one, that would be even better.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be grateful for improvements, even if you wish they were bigger.
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 780
    let's draw straws and see who has to do it... ;-)
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 987
    I concur. However, I'd like to label mine with "choir / cantor(s)" and "ALL" in the alternate sections of the Gloria (and Credo, if included). Perhaps this could be created in Google Docs so it can be edited by multiple people in the same format? Or at least downloaded in a form that we could alter on our own.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    I like Google Docs. We could adapt it to our own situations.
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    I could provide a transcription if I get the gregorian original. Neither chant nor modern notation pose problems to my notation programs. If you refer to the one found on The Recovering Choir Director, I can't access it, the file seems to have disappeared.
  • lmassery
    Posts: 424
    Here ya go Protasius.
  • ralvarez
    Posts: 18
  • marajoymarajoy
    Posts: 780
    ralvarez- excellent! thank you!
    Would it be easy/possible for you to also provide a copy that doesn't include the Credo (but is still in nicely-printable format?)
  • Beautifully done! very useful.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be patient about legitimate differences in personal taste.
  • ralvarez
    Posts: 18
  • Here is a letterhalf PDF containing the Order of Sung Mass in modern notation according to the English-language chants provided by ICEL. Chants for the prayers and orations are according to the Solemn Tone:

    missal_chants_solemn_modern.pdf (2.2 MB PDF)

    The pagination is exactly the same as the square-notation version posted here earlier.

    Notation for this edition was engraved in LilyPond 2.14.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 8,937
    I'm trying out Lilypond to make a 4-page half-letter booklet with the Kyrie, Gloria, (no Credo), Sanctus, (one) Memorial Acclamation, Our Father, and Agnus Dei.
  • Protasius
    Posts: 468
    I tried to do it via Lilypond, but I couldn't figure out how to produce the Versicle and Response signs and was hindered by time constraints. But as Aristotle has done the work, I would like to ask how you produced them; perhaps I'll need it for German parish sometimes.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Please stay on the original topic of the thread.
  • Protasius, I used the ℣ and ℟ signs this way:

    chantLyrics = {

    \lyricmode {

    \set stanza = #" ℣."

    In "the name of the Father, and" of the Son, "and of the" Ho -- ly Spir -- it.

    \set stanza = #" ℟."

    A -- men.


  • Heath
    Posts: 968
    Aristotle, this is *perfect*! May be just what I'm looking for . . . gratias tibi ago!
  • Schönbergian
    Posts: 1,063
    The website seems to have gone down. Does anybody have a copy of the full booklet in modern notation?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 8,937
    Here is another modern-notation booklet Aristotle designed a few years ago:
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be academic not acerbic.
  • Schönbergian
    Posts: 1,063
    I found that on the main MusicaSacra website. I'm looking more for the full order of Mass including the responses, rather than just the Ordinary.