About the corpus christi sequence (lauda sion)
  • gabriel
    Posts: 1
    In the calendarium, I found that the sequence for corpus christi has to be sung/said after the alleluia like at the easter and pentecost. but in other books, i found that the sequence for corpus christi is ad libitum, so between the two directions, which are right? because in my parish, the sequence is always skipped. After the second reading, alleulia is sung.
  • Chris AllenChris Allen
    Posts: 150
    Lauda Sion (or, if you're in a hurry, just Ecce panis angelorum, the last four verses of the whole sequence) is mandatory in the EF, but optional in the OF.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    Extraordinary Form: the Sequence must be said, in full, immediately after the Alleluia verse (which is not followed by the repetition of the Alleluia), and ends with «Amen. Alleluia.».

    Ordinary Form: the Sequence can be omitted. If said, a shortened form consisting of the last four verses only can be used. The Ordo Cantus Missarum says the Sequence follows the Alleluia; the General Instruction of the Roman Missal says it precedes the Alleluia. In both cases, the «Amen. Alleluia.» at the end is omitted. (If a musical setting is used which includes the «Amen. Alleluia.» in such a manner that this cannot be left out, there's no reason to worry. It's fair to keep that ending then.)