Heard on Relevant Radio this morning that today at 2:30, Drew Mariani will be talking about Gregorian Chant and the Theology of the Body. Since those are two of my very favorite topics, I'm rather looking forward to tuning in, and thought I'd pass it along!
Perhaps I should have been a bit more clear: it sounded like he will focus on the increasing proof of the healing power (mental and physical) of chant, and how that realtes to ToB...fascinating concept.
No disrespect intended, but honestly the first thing I thought when I was listening is: "Well Duh!" :)
It's always interesting when the church says or does something, and later science is able to show numerous reasons why it is good for you on a merely physical/physiological/emotional level.
I have lost track of the number of times I've seen this. I hope this study gets out far and wide.
From The Scale of Perfection by Walter Hilton, Chapter 7:
"And not oonli bi that name [the Name of Jesus], but alle othere praieres, as the Pater Noster or the Ave Maria or ympnys or psalmes or other devoute seyynges of Holi Chirche, aren turnyd as it were into gostli mirthe and swete songe, bi the which thei aren comfortid and strengthed agens alle synnes, and mykil relevyd of bodili dishese.
"Of this degree speketh Seynt Poul thus: "Nolite inebriari vino sed impleamini spiritu sancto, loquentes vobismetipsis in ympnis et psalmis, et canticis spiritualibus, cantantes et psallentes in cordibus vestris domino." (Ephesians 5:18-19) "Be not drunken with wyn, but be ye fulfilled of the Holi Goost, seiande to youresilf in ympnes and psalmes and goostli songes, syngynge and psalmynge in youre hertes to oure Lorde."
"Whoso hath this grace,kepe hymself in lowenesse, and that he be evermore desirynge for to come to more knowyng and feelynge of God in the thridde partie of contemplacioun.
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