Litany of the Saints - Sts. Peter and Paul
  • Our Parish is having a Mass on the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, especially for the intention of vocations. It will be con-celebrated by a number of priests in the diocese. The Mass will be Novus Ordo but with Gregorian Chant for the Ordinary and Propers. Questions: 1. Would it be appropriate to sing the traditional Litany of the Saints for this Solemnity (in English)? 2. If so, at what points in the Mass would it be appropriate? Since there should be many people at this Mass, there may be sufficient time after the communion chant and a few verses to sing the Litany. We have also considered singing it after the final blessing in lieu of a processional hymn, as the priests are processing out. Thanks for your help on this.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,244
    Intercessions usually are said after the homily, so it would be appropriate to sing the litany at that point, instead of saying the usual Prayer of the Faithful, which is probably optional on weekdays anyway.
  • Thanks for the comment. What do you think about using the Litany as a recessional?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,244
    There would be a practical problem, because the Litany should end with a prayer by the celebrant and the congregation's amen. The congregation would look up after the last "Lord, hear our prayer" and wonder: OK, where's the celebrant?
  • Paul F. Ford
    Posts: 868
    The solemn litany is used at Mass in two places: at the beginning and at the time of intercessions. The only time it would be used at the end of Mass is when the Mass is followed by a procession to the fields.

    When used at the beginning of Mass, it takes the place of the introit, penitential rite, and gloria; it ends with the opening prayer of the Mass.