Chabanel Psalm update — Congregational booklets
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    For those who are interested, I have added a 1-page, double-sided congregational booklet for those who feel that the congregation cannot sing the antiphons without the musical notes in front of them.

    Arlene Oost-Zinner has also been kindly posting her Psalm tone antiphons on the site, each week.

    I know many of you are musicians for the Extraordinary Form (EO), but perhaps you know an Ordinary Form musician who might want to survey these.

    Gratefully, in Christ,
  • Beautiful!
    I am starting (complete Mass) OF booklets this summer and am looking to use some of these psalms in the booklets. This is great for those that have decent hymnals.
  • Thanks, Jeff-
    Especially for the camera tool link! We have a good number of music readers in the pews, so the actual music will help.

    Side note: I used one of the psalms last week for a funeral. It went very well. I love the bold print where the emPHAsis goes ;)
    Do you have any Gospel Acclamation compositions?
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Hi, Colleen,

    Right now, all I have is the (Gospel Acclamations) ALLELUIA's at:

    Saint Antoine Daniel Mass Parts

    Please spread the word to others who might be interested, because the more people who are interested, the more Watershed will look for benefactors to support the projects. They are all done because of donations. THANK YOU!!!!
  • Great, thanks!

    Will do my best to spread the word!
  • RagueneauRagueneau
    Posts: 2,592
    Thank you, Pipesnposaune! I appreciate it!