Pew booklets that include a Mass setting
  • Mike R
    Posts: 106
    Have any of the composers/compilers of material for the new translation thought of printing small booklets (4-6 pages) on heavy paper with the people's parts (similar to a pew card) that, instead of printing out the text of the typically sung portions of the ordinary, actually incorporate a new Mass setting? I would MUCH rather have this as a resource than have the congregation going back and forth (e.g., from pew card for the Confiteor to hymnal or program for the Kyrie and Gloria, or even in a small booklet that contains several Mass settings like OCP and Liturgical Press are putting out flipping from the text at the front to a setting in the back).

    If you're not sure what I'm talking about, GIA is doing this for all their new settings' "assembly editions." I ordered a sample, and these look very nice, in addition to being the most convenient thing I could think of to have in the hands of the congregation...nice enough to make me seriously consider going with a GIA setting:

    The obvious downside is that you really couldn't include a setting of the Creed if you would actually use it, since it would lengthen the booklet and it would be difficult to recite the Creed reading from the score. But for everything else, this seems absolutely ideal to me. Could a project like this be undertaken for some of the "independent" settings and the ICEL chants?

    And for the Psallite Mass from Lit Press as well (nudge to Paul Ford)? I would seriously pay more for a booklet containing a single Mass setting that I will definitely use, interspersed with new spoken texts, than for the "Lift Up Your Hearts" booklet that will contain several settings we'll never use.
  • Paul F. Ford
    Posts: 860

    Noted and forwarded. Thanks.

  • noel jones, aagonoel jones, aago
    Posts: 6,606
    Great suggestion! Maybe someone could post the Mass text so we can all use it?
  • My archdiocese held mass setting review sessions, where all the music directors were invited to rate each new and revised setting from all the major publishers. From the feedback, they selected the top 4 mass settings and are taking it upon themselves to work with a printing company to print booklets containing all the revised texts from the mass, in addition to the 4 mass settings...all in one book. They recommended to us that we use these 4 mass settings to start out, so that we as an archdiocese can create a similar repertoire for weddings, funerals, and other events that cause people to go to churches they are not familiar with. I thought this was a wonderful idea. And the books are only a buck each.
  • Mary Ann
    Posts: 49
    Thank you, sending your info to our Worship Office director--their committee meets in June.
  • I've discovered this PDF of the new liturgy, which I think could be interesting and helpful and useful in developing a Mass Guide.

    It's great to see moments in which the celebrant prays the Mass quietly. I don't have a clue if this was an instruction in the OF....
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,624
    This seems like an obvious question. I'm looking for music pew cards with Kyria, Gloria (XV), Credo (I), Sanctus, Agnus, plus acclamations - just the chant from the new Missal and nothing else.

    Does anything like this exist yet? With the approval for music arriving sooner rather than later, it would be nice to have these.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,501
    You can do them on a wordprocessing program and have them laminated at Staples for a dollar or two a card.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,956
    Since we won't be buying new hymnals, I plan on putting together a pew mass card on heavy card stock. I understand new accompaniments will be available from ICEL, soon.
  • I'm with Jeffrey on this one -- we MUST make Mass cards available to one another, as soon as we create them ourselves. There is a battle being fought out there (one need only think of the upcoming NPM conference) and we will lose if we are slow to create the resources we need to recover chant in the Ordinary Form.

    Could we do a general appeal, through Chant Cafe and other blogs: "All church musicians who have prepared Mass cards using the English chant settings, please send them to..."?
  • Paul F. Ford
    Posts: 860
    I'm with Prof. (Peter?) Kwasniewski on this!