Some of the text accentuation is a little awkward, especially in the Gloria, but this is simple without being mindless, and beautiful without wallowing in sound. A very nice piece of work.
Bobby I agree, and I think Mr. Mueller is simply trying to figure out a pricing model that reflects the ease of photocopying. If you're not going to use it for a parish, I'd suggest emailing him directly to see about a perusal score.
FNJ Can't help but agree with your agreement. :)
JQ I'm curious where you're referring, because I didn't find that to be the case.
"YOU take away the SINS of the world.....RIGHT HAND OF THE Father" It's hard to establish a workable price model for online music distribution. It's worse for sacred music, because BMI doesn't collect for liturgical performance (which is as it should be), so you can't assume you will make up on performance royalties what you lose on mechanicals.
I actually thought about discussing the pricing model in my review, but decided to focus on the just music instead. It's a discussion worth having, though.
I have stuff up at, and I price according to what I would expect to pay for print music, minus a steep discount for no materials, then I double or triple that for choral music. There's a copyright statement granting the original purchaser only the right to make copies for performance, with some moral jawboning aimed at others, but there really is no enforcement mechanism. Dennis Tobenski (proprietor of the site) sets up licenses for purchase for his music. I haven't opted to do that yet because I think it's even less enforceable, and I'd have to drop my initial sales price too low for it to make sense. It might be equal on paper to sell 1 copy @$12 and 12 licensed copies @$1, but the difference in practice would be between collecting $12 and $1 (not ($12)
I receieved an email back from the composer who offered an extremely fair deal to me for personal use of the mass. Kudos to Chris and I can't wait to see the setting.
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