Scores for Tallis's and Byrd's Te Deums?
  • I'm looking for the scores of the Te Deums of these two composers. Has anyone out there prepared an edition of Thomas Tallis's Te Deum from his Short Service, or of William Byrd's from his Great Service -- or does anyone have a non-copyright protected score that could be shared?

    Thank you!
  • There are multiple editions of these, including Oxford.
    I suggest you call Lois Fyfe in Atlanta
    They will undoubtedly have them in stock and will deliver within a few days.
    Tel. 1-800-851-9023
    Fax 615-297-4291
  • Is it really possible that no one out there has a non-copyright edition of these Te Deums?

    Thank you MJO for the recommendation. I will contact them soon if no other responses surface here.
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,051
    Kalmus publishes a reprint of the old "Tudor Church Music" edition of the Great Service which I believe is in the public domain. It's available on Amazon and elsewhere. (ISBN-10: 0757978274; ISBN-13: 978-0757978272)
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,826
    I put a request for the whole TCM under Orlando Gibbons at IMSLP (and am working from a library hard copy on his Te Deum), but dont forget CPDL's request form.