Gregorio template: Gloria (revised ICEL translation)
  • (cross-posted on

    For those who are fluent in the Gregorio chant-notation-engraving system, below is a blank template for the Gloria according to the revised English translation scheduled to go into effect in the United States in Advent 2011. Just add pitch values, initial clef, mode (if desired) and notation.

    Quarter bars and double bars are taken from the ICEL adaptation of Gloria XV.

    annotation: ;

    centering-scheme: english;



    G{Lo}()ry() to() God() in() the() high(){est},() (::)

    and() on() earth() peace() (,) to() peo()ple() of() good() {will}.() (::)

    We() praise() {you},() (::)

    we() bless() {you},() (::)

    we() a()dore() {you},() (::)

    we() glo()ri()fy() {you},() (::)

    we() give() you() thanks() for() your() great() glo(){ry},() (::)

    Lord() {God},() heav()en()ly() {King},() (,)

    O() {God},() al()might()y() Fa(){ther}.() (::)

    Lord() Je()sus() {Christ},() (,) On()ly() Be()got()ten() {Son},() (::)

    Lord() {God},() Lamb() of() {God},() (,) Son() of() the() Fa(){ther},() (::)

    you() take() a()way() the() sins() of() the() {world},() (,)

    have() mer()cy() on() {us};() (::)

    you() take() a()way() the() sins() of() the() {world},() (,)

    re()ceive() our() {prayer};() (::)

    you() are() seat()ed() at() the() right() hand() of() the() Fa(){ther},() (,)

    have() mer()cy() on() {us}.() (::)

    For() you() a()lone() are() the() Ho()ly() {One},() (::)

    you() a()lone() are() the() {Lord},() (::)

    you() a()lone() are() the() Most() {High},() (,)

    Je()sus() {Christ},() (::)

    with() the() Ho()ly() Spir(){it},() (,)

    in() the() glo()ry() of() God() the() Fa(){ther}.() (::)

    A(){men}.() (::)