As this forum is discussion-centric versus category-centric, visitors will see updated and recently opened discussions first.
The discussion categories that you see in the "Categories" folder are some of the broader topics that can serve as launching points for discussion. More likely than not a topic will fit into one of these categories. Unfortunately at this time there is no cross-listing functionality; that may change if enough demand arises.
Members can create discussion topics within a category; Administrators and Developers can create discussion categories in addition to discussion topics. If a member has a subject that he or she believes warrants its own discussion category, please e-mail
I've been on a few forums, so let me make a couple suggestions for new categories. I'm dealing with this in public so that others can chip in what's a good idea also.
"General Music Discussion": discussion of anything musical (church or otherwise) "General Catholic Discussion": discussing liturgy, Catholicism in general "General Discussion": anything goes; politics, TV, fun threads "Music Program Management": doing music in the context of an average (or exceptional) parish "Choral Topics": self-explanatory "CMAA Issues": for anything concerning the CMAA or Sacred Music (the magazine) Topics like conventions, questions about CMAA's work, etc.
I also think the "Ward" category is redundant with the "Gregorian Chant" one, or at best something less specific like "pedagogical methods" would be more appropriate.
It is very important that everyone here write to others to join this forum.
I'm really very pleased and a bit astonished that we seem to have Finally found the venue that draws people out into "active participation" with the growing sacred music community.
But it will require that everyone do what he or she can to get others to join. One thing we might need is a a little banner ad of some sort, something to display on blogs.
What does "sink discussion" mean? Do I have it right that it means "don't push the thread to the top of the list whenever a new comment appears" so that the thread gets pushed further down, making it easier to see new threads? If so, that seems a polite thing to do. Any ideas for rough guidelines?
Well, a couple of good rough guidelines are: - use discernment before sinking a discussion - sink sparingly (usually on those that have been resolved) - sink primarily the discussions you initiate - don't take offense if someone else sinks your discussion - don't take pride if someone unsinks a sunk discussion
I have initiated discussions that I have sunk initially, only to have another unsink it.
Here's a routine reminder: Be discriminating but don't nitpick.
Depends on the M.I.T. of the lists: the Maximal Informational Transfer as defined in DARPA 1017.3B which, as a gross rule of thumb also suggested skepticism regarding lists with mit > 12.
To participate in the discussions on Catholic church music, sign in or register as a forum member, The forum is a project of the Church Music Association of America.