Easter Gradual and Alleluia
  • Tomorrow our ladies schola is singing the Gradual and Alleluia at a 9:30 Extraordinary Form Mass but several of us are going downtown to sing a Noon Mass which will be Ordinary Form. I know in the Ordinary Form you sing the Haec Dies after the first reading and then after the 2nd reading there is the Sequence and then the Alleluia Pascha Nostrum. At the EF I understand how to sing the Alleluia no repeat as the Sequence will be sung but how is it done in the Ordinary From where the Sequence precedes the Alleluia? Do you go back and repeat the Alleluia? Thanks a bunch if you can help.
  • Hi Ruth,
    As far as I know, you always repeat the alleluia after the verse in the Ordinary form. This is regardless of whether there is a sequence before or not. Hope that helps!
  • Thanks Andrew, that makes sense to me too.