Forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere, but I am desperate for a setting for the following (Canadian) response:
"The cup of blessing that we bless is a sharing in the blood of Christ".
I have a very small choir for this mass, consisting mainly of middle school aged children, so the music needs to be simple.
If only I could whip up some lovely setting as so many of you talented composers are able. But alas, such is not the case.
That would be wonderful! I usually just hijack something from another psalm setting (CBW or Respond and Acclaim) and adapt it, but only because I have no other options. Thank you!
Here's a routine reminder: Critique principles, not people.
Thanks for the link to Novalis. The problem is that I need it for Thursday. We've always used the American lectionary until quite recently, which has left us scrambling somewhat to now conform with the rest of the diocese. The other issue is that none of us (volunteers) want to put out the money (out of our own pockets) to purchase something we've never seen and may not find appropriate. It's frustrating to have the option of only one setting for the Canadian lectionary when there are so many gifted composers out there.
The children picked up Mr. Page's setting quickly, so we're set for this time (thank you again, Mr. Page).
Thank you for the information though. Are the the Novalis settings worth purchasing in your opinion?
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