Building Bridges, Brick by Brick
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    I would just like to publicly say:

    With the increasing expansion into matters theological and liturgical of a not-specifically-musical nature, the Chant Cafe is becoming a serious voice in the larger world of Catholic blogs generally and RotR blogs specifically. As I said in a recent comment, Fr. Smith's article are especially valuable, as I think they are providing a much-needed viewpoint: that is, a traditionalist Catholic priest writing without vitriol or snark toward progressives/liberals. Moreover, the lack of something (nastiness) is not nearly as impressive as the presence of several things: humilty, modern sensibilities, charity towards the old-guard liberals.... and on and on.

    I think that the greatest internal challenge of the Church right now, and over the next decade or more, is reconciling the progressives and the traditionalists. While NLM, Fr. Z, and PrayTell all do a great job playing to their "base," it is CMAA and the Chant Cafe that is laying the groundwork for a bridge between the divergent viewpoints. Clearly, not everyone is ready and willing to cross that bridge but, to mix metaphors- here we have the saying verified, "One sows, and another reaps." Tucker, Smith, and the whole CMAA gang are sowing. It will be our children's children who reap the benefits, not us. But we know that one day "sower and reaper will rejoice together."

    Woot woot.