Needed: accompaniment to Parce Domine including the verses
  • Our parish uses the Adoremus Hymnal, and our director wants to sing Parce Domine but needs accompaniment for the verses as well as the refrain (only the refrain has accompaniment in the AH). Before I reinvent the wheel, has anyone already done this? Thank you.
    (Our pastor insists on chant being accompanied, even during Lent, so please don't slam us poor musicians.)
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    Thanks to Jeffrey Ostrowski for posting this!
  • I must be missing something, as I am only seeing the refrain with accompaniment, and no verses. It is accompaniment to the verses that we need. (I haven't seen this book since undergraduate school--thank you, Jeffrey!--it's saved now.)
  • No, you are not missing anything! My fault...
  • Jen
    Posts: 28
    For $2.25 you can download the keyboard accompaniment (with verses) from OCP: