Passions on audio?
  • rpaul
    Posts: 1
    The notes of the passions are available in written form in the web, but I have not succeeded in finding any recordings of
    the four passions. Anybody known where they are available? Youtube has some frustrating fragments, beautiful, but only fragments. I'd like to have a CD if such is available.

    Also, anybody knows if the Liber usualis has been recorded on disc?
  • ClemensRomanusClemensRomanus
    Posts: 1,023
    You can find St. John's Passion from the Good Friday Liturgy on Alberto Turco & Nova Schola Gregoriana's cd "In Passione et Morte Domini" and on Choeur des moines de l'Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes & Dom Joseph Gajard's cd "Chant Gregorien". Both can be found on iTunes.