NPR on Music for the Pope
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,597
    Chant, Josquin, and Palestrina. Interesting story in a strange and ironic way
  • Jeffrey, The link does not seem to be working.
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,597
    Ok, works now
  • Well, I'm mildly amused that Professor Greenburg, an eminent musicologist, basically gave NPR the "legend" in its most common, easily digested summary. Having conducted the Missa P. Marcellus for my MA recital, there still remains, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the story." Fair enough.
  • I think that Prof Greenberg is too used to teaching music appreciation these days. Does he not know that NPR has a pretty darn well educated audience? The whole think reeked of "I'll tell you the easy story, you're not far enough along to know the real story." The interview made it sound like the Pope gets to hear this music regularly. I was particularly shocked when he said -- which was edited out of the printed version -- that the Sistine was one of the "best" choirs in Christendom (in the present tense). I wonder if he has heard them in his lifetime. Those reservations aside, it sure is nice to hear a news piece about Josquin!