English Cathedral Music Conference
  • English Cathedral Music: The Long Nineteenth Century to the Present RMA Study Day
    9 July 2008 - Durham University

    This study day explores the English cathedral music tradition from the long nineteenth century to the present, especially its qualities as a musical tradition and its place in English, Commonwealth, and religious identity.

    Paper Session I - The Nineteenth Century.
    Peter Horton - Samuel Sebastian Wesley: The Last of the Old, or the First of the New?
    Laura Stokes - Mendelssohn's Oratorios and Late Nineteenth-Century Cathedral Music.
    Anthony Rooley - Self-Imposed Exile: Robert Lucas Pearsall - Craftsmanship, Historical Awareness, Crisis and Humour in Music for Formal Liturgy, Private Devotion and Social Pleasure 1845-1855.

    Paper Session II - Airwaves and Across the Waves: (Re-)Defining and Disseminating the Tradition.
    Rebecca Frost (née Riding) - The BBC and English Cathedral Music: 1922 - 1931.
    Ian Burk - How shall We Sing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land? (Psalm 137: 4): The English Cathedral Music Tradition in Australia.
    Stephanie Martin - Canadian by Adoption: Healey Willan's Sacred Music.

    Paper Session III - Ancient and Modern in the Twentieth Century.
    Suzanne Cole - S. Royle Shore's Cathedral Series and the Tudor Church Music Edition in Context.
    Laura Meadows - 'It is Very Modern, But I Think it Will Do': Elgar's Te Deum and Benedictus and the Creation of Modernist Cathedral Music.
    Joseph Sargent - Howells' Depersonalized Requiem.

    Keynote Address - Tim Day - How Might We Study the History of 'Sweet Singing in the Choir'?

    Choral Evensong in Durham Cathedral; Conference Dinner at St. Chad's College; Organ Recital in Durham Cathedral.

    Further information about the event can be found at (http://www.dur.ac.uk/john-bede.pauley/cathedralmusic.htm) or by contacting John-Bede Pauley (jpauley at csbsju.edu)
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 765

    Thanks for this information. It looks like it could be a fascinating study day, and I'm already mulling over available leave and finance. My only dissapointment with the program is that there isn't anything specifically on the recovery of Catholic cathedral music in England (e.g. Westminster, Terry and Malcolm), though I guess the papers on Pearsall and Elgar might touch on it.