English-language psalm-tone tracts (Graduale Romanum/Gregorian Missal for Sundays)
  • Just in case there is a desire to sing a tract instead of a Lenten Gospel Acclamation (or in certain cases, a Responsorial Psalm). Download the PDF.

    Included in the PDF:
    - Ash Wednesday
    - Lent I—V
    - Passion (Palm) Sunday
    - Holy Thursday
    - Good Friday
    - March 19: Saint Joseph
    - March 25: Annunciation

    All translations are from the Gregorian Missal for Sundays.
  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    Here's another option for the Palm Sunday tract, for anyone interested.
    (this was a copy for personal use, so I apologize for how the flex looks)
    English tract PS.png
    1042 x 522 - 53K