What Should We Be Singing Now? : Beta (soon 1st edition) : by Koerber
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770
    Dear CMAA Colleagues, Associates and Onlookers (squatters):

    Directly below you will find a link to the small booklet I began writing just a few weeks ago that I promised to publish (soft release) on March 1, 2011. It is entitled,

    Towards the Implementation of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal

    "What Should We Be Singing Now?"

    A Simple Guide for Understanding & Providing Sacred Music in the Liturgy with a Hyperlink to the Directory of Liturgical Resources Free & Unrestricted & Immediately Available from the Internet

    download booklet here UPDATE (Beta2)

    This book is intended to be a short power-packed read (in one easy sitting), for any volunteer musician in your parish, or for those musicians who need and want to know the basics about providing sacred music for the liturgy in the RC rite.

    By clicking on any page in the book, you will be brought to the "Directory of Liturgical Resources" which I will continually augment and improve over time. It is a list of resources which are free and unrestricted by fees and copyrights, including hyperlinks for downloading and printing thousands pages of music appropriate for the liturgy. Again, the idea for the directory is that everything that one could need to understand and execute a liturgy with appropriate music is available on one page.

    The idea behind this book is that we have a new and wonderful opportunity to teach the basics of sacred music to the Church at large with the implementation of the new Missal. Take advantage of this season when the Church reforms the liturgy come Advent of 2011, (3rd Edition of the Roman Missal), to reinforce the teachings, traditions and practices of the Church's patrimony of sacred music.

    I am building a list of credibility statements for the back cover for the official publication (hard launch) and presently attempting to ascertain official backing from the Church also. I will be putting this up on LULU or CreateSpace so that you can order printed copies for your parish very soon.

    Thank you and God bless each of you for your contributions to making this book possible. Many of you offered suggestions, revisions and additions. Thank you CMAA for your mission to making musica sacra.
  • Participatio is feminine (and nominative), so the adjective is actuosa, not actuoso. Also, Concilium has one 'l'. Just a heads-up since this is still in beta.

    A very worthwhile read, btw!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770

    Good catches... I will put them in and repost tomorrow.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Foreword == (Be)fore Word.
  • DougS
    Posts: 793
    The word "Criteria" is a plural noun, also. ("Criterion 3," "Criterion 4," etc.)
  • incantuincantu
    Posts: 989
    A thought: the use of the word "should" throughout the booklet and especially in the title could be a deterrent and stumbling block for those who are most in need of hearing your message.
  • JennyJenny
    Posts: 147
    Thank you, Francis. what a wonderful summary. I am already adding up how many copies I will need!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770
    good point, incantu... i will review that again.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770
    Thanks, eft... that one was glaringly simple...(blushing)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770

    Here is the m-w on this one. You are technically correct, but apparently it seems to be common.

    Main Entry: cri·te·ri·on
    Pronunciation: \krī-ˈtir-ē-ən also krə-\
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural -ria \-ē-ə\ also cri·te·ri·ons
    Etymology: Greek kritērion, from krinein to judge, decide — more at certain
    Date: 1622
    1 : a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based
    2 : a characterizing mark or trait
    synonyms see standard
    usage The plural criteria has been used as a singular for over half a century . Many of our examples, like the two foregoing, are taken from speech. But singular criteria is not uncommon in edited prose, and its use both in speech and writing seems to be increasing. Only time will tell whether it will reach the unquestioned acceptability of agenda.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,198
    "The plural criteria has been used as a singular for over half a century."

    Since 1960, then? Pshaw: an upstart practice!

    These value-free lexicographers are happy to treat errors as accepted usages by mere dint of their becoming common.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770

    Not claiming its correct, just that use is common. I guess I have to decide. Since the whole book is about following correct rules on liturgical music, perhaps it behooves me to demontrate following those grammatical.
  • DougS
    Posts: 793
    Francis, you could use a different word altogether and save the hand wringing. It's what I would do.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770
    No great shakes... I will just put Criterion. It's the correct thing to do!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770

    I have included all of your revisions, corrections, additions, and suggestions! Thank you again for your assistance. If you see any more, do not hesitate to post them here!

    download booklet here
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770
    If you have suggestions for links on the "Directory of Liturgical Resources", I am also soliciting your input for that too. The only restriction is that they are FREE and unrestricted for use by copyright. This does not mean that a copyright is not attached, but that it will not the restrict the use of the music for use in liturgy.

  • miacoyne
    Posts: 1,805
    Thanks, Francis. Here is a very timely article.

    Cardinals: liturgical abuse weakens the faith

    "A weakening of faith in God, a rise in selfishness and a drop in the number of people going to Mass can be traced to liturgical abuse or Masses that are not reverent, two Vatican cardinals and a consultant have said.

    US Cardinal Raymond Burke, head of the Vatican’s supreme court, said: “If we err by thinking we are the centre of the liturgy, the Mass will lead to a loss of faith.”...

    Unfortunately, he said, too many priests and bishops treat violations of liturgical norms as something that is unimportant when, in fact, they are “serious abuses”....

    “Participating in the Eucharist can make us weaken or lose our faith if we do not enter into it properly,” and if the liturgy is not celebrated according to the Church’s norms, he said....

    “If you go to a Mass in one place and then go to Mass in another, you will not find the same Mass. This means that it is not the Mass of the Catholic Church, which people have a right to, but it is just the Mass of this parish or that priest,” he said."
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770

    Thanks for the article.

    I am going to send my book to Cardinal Burke today.


    How does one contact him... he seems invisible on the internet!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770

    I have made a lot of corrections to this publication thanks to the eyes of colleagues here! Thank you!

    I set this up on CreateSpace however, I find the printing cost per book to be exhorbitent. Therefore I will probably be offset printing this to keep your costs down, especially because it seems people will want to buy numerous copies per parish.

    If you are interested in receiving bulk orders, send me an email. I am going to try to make these available at around $4 a piece plus shipping.

    I will post the First Edition soon.

    Thanks again, one and all!

    (Do you remember my comment about 'brick by brick' and wondering if I could throw the brick at some who are harder to reach? Well, hopefully this little brick might make a dent!)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770
    Here is the promotional sales information that I plan to put on the back cover and on the internet.

    For over forty years confusion has reigned about what music is and is not appropriate for the Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Mass. This small, power-packed booklet ends the confusion. In an easy sitting, you will know once and for all what the Church truly (and officially) desires and prefers when it comes to music for the Mass. It dispels the myths about what is allowed and brings clarity to questions about sacred music.

    Find out about the official music books that the Church has always promoted from within her own treasures. Learn how and why Gregorian chant, polyphony and organ music represent the very core of music in the Catholic Mass. The Second Vatican Council never changed the intentions of the Church in regard to the music of the Mass, but the 'spinners' of Vatican II took liberty and skewed the intentions of the Council and promoted a lessez faire attitude encouraging music that is inappropriate, secular and unsanctioned in the name of being 'creative' or 'innovative'.

    This booklet is a doorway into a true understanding of sacred music. It sports a link to the "Directory of Liturgical Resources" which includes many pertinent documents on sacred music, and many free resources of chant, organ and polyphonic music. A great start for any amateur or volunteer in your parish music program. But more importantly a small gem for a true understanding of sacred music for parish pastors and priests, church musicians, parish staff, liturgy committees, liturgists and the parish at large.
  • TCJ
    Posts: 985
    There is a typo on page seven in the huge red quote. Cardinal Arinze's name is spelled as "Arizne".

    Now back to looking through it!

    Also, we need a Spanish version of it! :)
  • francis
    Posts: 10,770
    Thnx Curt

    Will fix. Good eye.

    Can you do the Spanish?
  • TCJ
    Posts: 985
    Not a chance. I only know enough words that I can sometimes get the idea of something if I read it, but I certainly could never translate anything. I just asked because I work in a parish with a lot of hispanics and I'm sure many others do as well. They need some good resources too. The ones around here seem fairly resistant to more traditional music, though that's quite possibly because they've never really had a chance to experience it.