Where can I find a complete copy of "Music in Catholic Worship"?
  • The copy found on the USCCB web site has a plethora of typos, missing footnote references, missing footnotes, and several of the paragraphs are out of order. I pieced it together, but it's still missing some footnote references and texts. Does someone have a REAL copy of this document?

    (No, I'm not crazy. I'm comparing it with Musica Sacra on my own.)
  • Jeffrey TuckerJeffrey Tucker
    Posts: 3,596
    Ah yes, how well I recall calling the USCCB to ask permission to host a copy. They said no on grounds that if they permitted others to host it, the version might not be authoritative and might have typos etc.
  • So would I have to BUY a copy from them? I'd call that simony, but that document's not holy in the least. ;)
  • http://www.amazon.com/Catholic-Worship-Bishops-Committee-Liturgy/dp/B000NZOAIK/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1207973939&sr=1-5
  • francis - decent text, but no footnotes!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,888
    thats because that document has lost its footing.
  • francis
    Posts: 10,888
    thats because this document has lost its footing