Forwarded: Eucharistic Suite of Mathias for Organ based on Chant
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    From: Michael Johnston
    Date: April 10, 2008 11:22:14 AM EDT
    Subject: Re: Traditional Latin Mass CD - Palestrina: Missa Sacerdos et Pontifex
    Reply-To: Michael Johnston

    A perfect gift for anyone who loves the Latin Mass and
    who wishes to commemorate this historic time in the Church.

    Yeah, I agree, but there are few of us, it would seem. Maybe the church
    waited too late to allow reintroduction of these chant melodies? I have
    tried to get RC musicians interested in the Eucharistic Suite of Mathias
    that I restored (and announced here), and it was nearly ignored. Salve
    Sancta Parens is near the top in well-known chants, but maybe they're
    looking for hymn settings of Eagle's Wings or Gift of Finest Wheat.

    I do know many who love the old mass and the chants, but they are not in
    positions of organist and able to choose the music.

    MICHAEL'S MUSIC SERVICE 4146 Sheridan Dr, Charlotte, NC 28205
    704-567-1066 ** Please call or email us for your organ needs ** "Organ Music Is Our Specialty"