Notated Prefaces
  • I wondered if anyone had a Lilypond file they could send me for notating a Preface (any preface; I just need the infrastructure). I have been wanting to notate the Spanish prefaces so that I can have something to look at while I attempt to sing them, and not simply rely on memory, which is often problematic for me. So far I have not found a book that has them notated according to the traditional Roman tone and typeset well.

    If someone has a Lilypond file that I can work with (even if it is for English Prefaces), it would be a huge help. The problem is I don't have time really to learn Lilypond; my level of understanding is such that I can usually manipulate existing files to make them do what I want, as long as they start out reasonably close to what I am wanting to do.

  • I give here the beginning of the old latin Preface (V. Per omnia saecula saeculorum R. Amen.). Just have a look at the portion of lilyponds documentation on Gregorian chant. I hope it helps. (Unfortunately I'm not allowed to upload lilypond files.

    \version "2.12"
    \include ""
    \score {
    <<<br /> \new VaticanaVoice = "cantus" {
    \clef "vaticana-do2"
    e g a a b a a g a \[ a\melisma \pes g\melismaEnd \] \[ \augmentum g \] \finalis
    g \[ \augmentum g\melisma \pes \augmentum a\melismaEnd \] \finalis
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "cantus" {
    Per o -- mni -- a sae -- cu -- la sae -- cu -- lo -- rum.
    A -- men.
    \layout {}
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Would you be willing to share your "Gregorian.LY" file?
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,234
    It's a standard file included with Lilypond.