Gevaert Grand-Messe de Noel, "Puer natus est nobis" - score search
  • there's a gorgeous recording of this work out on Fuga Libera, and I'm trying to track down a score, with no success. It was published by Lemoine in 1908, and is for 3-part women with organ. WorldCat only gives holdings for the Danish Royal Library, and they haven't digitized their copy yet. No cpdl or imslp.
  • Mark P.
    Posts: 248
    The Library of Congress has a copy. The call number is M2013 .G4.
  • Maureen
    Posts: 679
    You have a fairy godfather on Scribd. The user name is "vangi".
  • Thanks, both of you. I've passed on the Scribd link to the person who most wanted it. And I have no clue why the LC holding didn't show up on WorldCat...possibly because it's legacy cataloging?
  • DougS
    Posts: 793
    WorldCat is woefully incomplete, especially for larger libraries. This is why if you do research at the LoC (for example) you have to use the card catalog as well as the online catalog.