The intersection of Computer Science and [Christian Charity/Liturgical Programming]
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    The Robustness Principle states that when "sending" (output of any type), one should be "conservative." That is, follow all the rules as exactly as you can.
    It also states that when "receiving" (taking inputs of any type), one should be as "liberal" as possible: accepting input and ignoring errors, as long as it is clear what the intention was.

    I feel this has a lot to say to us about how we interact with others in any setting, and particularly with how we approach "sending" liturgy (when we are the one's producing, planning, executing it) and how we approach "receiving" liturgy (when we are merely congregants or guests). Also, I think there is a good lesson here in terms of conversational style.

  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    Being a recovering computer geek myself, I can relate. And indeed this is a useful and universal concept.

    HowEVER, one exception comes to mind: If you're speaking the wrong language in the first place, speaking more accurately and intensely is not particularly useful. In that case, actually "fuzzing" your message (perhaps, for instance, by adding body language to make the communication richer) will help.

    In the context of liturgy, I see many people who believe that the TLM is the "wrong language" for them. Doing it more accurately doesn't help, and in fact gives the message that you don't care if they're listening at all. Instead, you adopt a missionary mindset, which combines sensitivity, adaptation, and conversion.

    Too much of that for tonight, now my head hurts. ;-)