Here is de Symbolum Apostolorum after Credo VI from Psallite Domino - canti per la messa (LMI, 2007), pp. 51-53. I only changed the incipit, which for some reason reads "Credo in unum Deum" in Psallite Domino (because of the typo in the Missale Romanum?).
Find, please, attached, my "Symbolum Apostolicum" for 2 mixed voices, assembly and organ. The second version is for 4 mixed voices, assembly and organ.
I am confident that they can serve your repertoire.
The one from Psallite Domino is the only one I could find so far. The recently published Singing the Mass (Solesmes, 2011) for example has no music for the Apostles' Creed, just printed text.
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