Musicians for World Youth Day
  • Zenit has the following item on a call for musicians for the World Youth Day in August. I don't know what the calls for previous such events looked like, but I like the sound of phrases like: "young people with classical instrument and vocal training" and "advanced instrumentalists." Is this different from previous calls? What about the director, Pedro Alfaro?

    MADRID, JAN. 13, 2011 ( World Youth Day organizers have issued a call for musicians to participate in the orchestra and choir for the ceremonies with Benedict XVI in Madrid this coming August.

    Young people with classical instrument and vocal training are invited to be part of the volunteer orchestra and choir to animate the youth day events.

    The invitation is extended to advanced instrumentalists in the string, wind and percussion sections, as well as professional or advanced amateur singers.

    Pedro Alfaro, director of the music project, stated his belief that "music is the spiritual art par excellence, with a special capacity to awaken great ideals in people."

    Hence, he encouraged all music professionals to share their talent with young people from the whole world.

    The deadline for registration is Jan. 27. The selection tests will take place on various weekends in February. The final choice of participants will be published on Feb. 23.

    All the tests and practices will be held in Madrid. The practices will take place on Saturday afternoons beginning March 5, and an intensive schedule will be followed in the days preceding World Youth Day.

    The project is being organized by Musica para Todos (Music for Everyone), which aims to spread values through music. The group specializes in activities that combine musical quality with forums that bring the ascetic musical experience to large audiences.
  • The official hymn of World Youth Day 2011 is "Firmes en la Fe". At the official website ( you can download the score, as well as three different mp3 versions: Orchestra version, Choir and organ version, or Pop-soul version. Having listened to the Choir and organ version, it sounds like they have a special need for sopranos.
  • Thank you so much for this message. It´s the only one that google spids out on that topic. Now, could you please tell us where to apply? I can't find anything on the official WYD page. I seriously need your help. Thx. And a hello from Germany,
  • JahazaJahaza
    Posts: 469
    You could try sending a message to their volunteer coordinator:

    "Do you want to help up?
    "If you want to offer your collaboration as a volunteer with the preparations for WYD, write us at voluntarios@jmj2011madrid.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , telling us your availability, skills and preferences, as well as your age and the languages you speak."