Premonstratensian Mass XVIII
  • I lied. The category should be ‘Gregorian Chant: Graduale Premonstratense’, but we must make do. As a point of possible interest:

    In another recent thread, our beloved Jeff O. lamented that the Ordinary of the Requiem Mass is used year round as the only setting of the Ordinary. In the 1908/1953 Graduale Premonstratense this is indeed the case, where the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei from the Roman Requiem Mass are the Sanctus and the Agnus Dei in Mass XVIII, which is for ferial days of the entire year. Two different settings of the Kyrie are offered; the first is from Vatican Mass XVI, also from Pope Paul VI’s Jubilate Deo.

    There are a few melodic variations from the Vatican editions.