Le Chant Acadian (Cajun)-who's coming?
  • Bon temps, mon ami,
    Besides Le Couples Royale, Reine AOZ et Mssr.Dr.Roi Marht, mon cher Wendy et moi,
    Who else is braving TSA, weather, the Sugar Bowl, and general lunacy to show up in New Orleans?
    (Wendy's already scouted out the nearest Pomeroy's Wine Shoppes, I need a head count.)
  • General lunacy? Shortly after New Year's Day? In New Orleans? As a warm-up to Marti Gras?

    This doesn't happen in the Big Easy, does it?

    Count me in.

    Rumor has it a certain redhead from Florida will also grace us with her presence.

    (Charles, you forgot Mssr. Turkington.)
  • I forget a great deal of late, Ron. Oui, Mssr. Turkington, Marquis de Charleston, will create VanGogh strokes of brilliance with his chironomy. Et MJB? Heaven....