Are these good courses?
  • These are descriptions for two sacred music courses that would be offered at an independent seminary with both men in formation for priesthood or permanent diaconate as well as lay men and women studying for parish work:

    Music in the Liturgy: a Study of the Documents

    This course will survey the documents governing the use of music in the liturgy, beginning with Pius XII’s motu proprio Tra le sollecitudini (1903) through the USCCB’s most recent guidelines, Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship (2008). Perspectives on pre- and post-conciliar approaches and the “Mind of the Church” will be considered, and application of these principles to sacred music programs in parish churches today will be explored.

    Primary text for purchase:

    Documents on the Liturgy, 1963-1979: Conciliar, Papal and Curial Texts, The Liturgical Press, 1982.

    The remaining texts can be found online.


    A Survey History of Western Liturgical Music

    This course will trace the history of music from pre-Gregorian chant through the present, with a focus on the influences of Western art music on the music of the liturgies of the Roman rite. This course is intended to be a music appreciation course, providing a basis for understanding the development of music of various genres and an ability to recognize various musical qualities that became the basis for the development of sacred music. A background in music or the ability to read music is not a prerequisite, but is helpful.

    Primary texts for purchase:

    The Enjoyment of Music by Joseph Machlis; paired with the Norton Anthology of Western Music, together with other examples drawn from independent sources.

    If anyone has taken courses like these, or teaches them, please let me know.
  • Psalms, Canticles, and Hymns of the Mass: The Texts

    This course will explore the significance of the Church's preferred sources for the proper chants of the Mass as found in the texts of the Introits, Graduals, Responsorial Psalms, Alleluias, Tracts, Offertories, and Communions of the Roman Missal, Roman Gradual, Simple Gradual, and Lectionary. A limited number of Sunday liturgies will be examined in their entirety (including prayers and readings from the three Sunday cycles). This liturgical formation course is intended to broaden the scope of Scriptural and liturgical material for preaching and music selection/preparation according to the stated norms of the Church. A background in music is not required.

    Primary texts for purchase:

    Holy Bible

    Optional texts for purchase (Scriptural citations will be given in class):

    Lectionary (available on the USCCB website)
    Gregorian Missal for Sundays and/or Simple Propers of the Mass (available on the CMAA website)
    Simple Gradual and/or By Flowing Waters