I have been asked to take over a chant schola in January, however, the skill level of the schola is still very low. Are there any simpler forms of the Introits in the Graduale Romanum WITHOUT resorting to psalm tones? I like the Chants Aberges simplification of the propers, however, the introit is not included. Is there another source somewhere? The text has tobe in Latin, as the schola is for the celebration of the Mass according to the 1962 Missal. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Not really, Noel; this is about a Mass according to the 1962 Missal. The Simplex doesn't have settings for all the propers of the old rite.
Since the introits are not much more elaborate than the communions, there may not be much need to use simplified settings of them for very long. Would it be practicable to have a cantor sing the introit (e.g., on a psalm tone or recto tono) for the first few months while the schola focuses on the Mass ordinary and the communions?
Oh. Must I display my stupidity every day? At least people are exceedingly polite here. Try it. Afraid to ask a question? Go ahead, you should be pleasantly surprised.
Just for the record, I think Justine Ward also composed and printed compositions such as you seek. Sunday Mass according to simple Gregorian formulae, or some such title.
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