According to the Vatican (and Jeff O) these are the times to use the following settings:
Sundays of Advent: Missa XVII • Credo IV Sundays of Christmas: Missa IX • Credo IV Sundays of Lent: Missa XVII • Credo IV Sundays of Easter: Missa I • Credo III Sundays of Ordinary Time: Missa XI • Credo I Feasts of Ordinary Time: Missa VIII • Credo III Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Missa IX • Credo IV Feasts of the Apostles: Missa IV • Credo III
My question is:
When do you use the other 12 ordinaries?
Forgive me if there is a simple answer, but I have no education in Liturgy and am trying to learn all this just for my own personal benefit.
My little group uses Masses IV, VIII, IX, XI, and XVII plus Credos I, III, and (soon) IV.
We rotate through those (except that we use Mass XVII only for all Sundays in Advent and Lent). That way, the congregation is familiar with all of them and the choir does not get 'stale' from using only one Ordinary for weeks at a time.
Looking through the front of my Gregorian Missal here…
Masses II, III, V, VI, VII, VIII, XII and XV (that's eight of 'em) don't seem to be "for" anything in particular, at least from what I see. Of those, VIII is probably by far the most commonly used, followed by XV; I can imagine them either in Ordinary Time or just about any other time outside of Advent and Lent. (Indeed, the Vatican list you posted indicates VIII for Feasts of Ordinary Time.)
Mass X is listed as for "Feasts and Memorials of Our Lady" (as opposed to XI, which is for "Solemnities and Feasts of Our Lady").
At the very end of Mass XI, I see the text, 'Other chants for Sundays: XIII & XIV.' So, those apparently are associated with Ordinary Time, too.
Mass XVI is listed as for "Ordinary Time during the week."
Mass XVIII is for Advent and Lent on weekdays, and at Masses of the dead.
The other ones are accounted for in your list. Hope this helps!
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