"Actually, I think this insistence is nothing more than a caricature that has come from the ‘choir and chant’ camp — another of those pieces of ‘information’ that are trumpeted on various blogs but have no basis in reality. I don’t know of any serious liturgist or musician who would espouse it."
Without identifying and glamorizing the author, I came across this.
It appears this is....us. And it appears that we, fellow campers, are not considered serious liturgists or musicians. Out of touch with "reality".
Charles in Cen CA, would you please pass the marshmallows and stir up the fire a bit? Thank you.
FNJ et al, without context I'm wary of fueling flames around the watchfires. But, within the context of the statement itself I think that: *the camp is meant more as an encampment of one adversarial group, rather than a scout or summer camp. *whatever "the beef" is the author speaks of, demeaning an adversary's POV as a "caricature" reveals more about the author's own character that, in any arena of thought, secular or religious, would undermine the author's credibility. *the author seems to place more value upon intellectual prowess and studied mannerism than basic charity. *the "most serious liturgists and musicians" I know are those who show up daily and on Sundays in the pews. That's all for now.
PS. This is just so wearisome. I would most welcome some sort of truce among those who wish to perpetuate this notion of "Encampments of the Talking Heads." I both pray and wish that I could wake up one morning transformed in personality and demeanor of many of my friends and mentors here and elsewhere on the web and in real life, and go about my duties without any care or regard for all of the rhetorical gymnastics and contortions of the circus of "serious liturgists."
No marshmallows? Darn. I was looking forward to making s'mores....
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Noel, I had that very discussion (to accompany marshmallows or not) on the phone with Jeff MO this very morning. We agreed that different occasions call for different solutions, ie. if the arsis of the flaming mallow suddenly turns to thesis, a graham cracker just may provide suitable cadential accompaniment. Happy "say the black" Friday to all from CenCA!
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