Bishop attacks Westminster Cathedral for too much Latin
  • We could expect the same kind of objections here as indicated this year as EWTN aired a number of Masses from cathedrals where I did not hear very much chant in Latin (or even English). I had expected Cathedrals choirs to favor more of the propers and the chanted ordinaries like
    this sort of thing. I am most disappointed. At many of these Masses the choir and the miked cantor posed as congregations participation.
    There is real spiritual joy during Mass, and chants like Gloria XV can give little more space for the spiritual dimension soar.
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 765
    Not to worry. He's just a South Coast Bishop. They don't really get the Tradition thing.

    Mind you, I don't live on the South Coast.
  • Mark P.
    Posts: 248
    The bishop's comments were just plain mean. Mean spirited. Nasty. Bitter.

    The Mass was absolutely beautiful and to attack it says a lot more about hateful man than it does about a a magnificent liturgy and those whol planned and executed it.
  • Shrug. A small man with small opinions.
    And I should know. ;-)
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    I'm overjoyed to see these comments. It's about time that liturgically hostile bishops came out and admitted "we're not really Catholic."
  • At least the good bishop gave Hebrew a pass…
  • How did he ever get to be a bishop in the Catholic Church???
  • frogman, please include hyperlinks when you post
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882
    Jeeeeez.... Latin at a Latin Rite Mass? What are they thinking!
  • The Forum could be set up to automatically do hyperlinks if it required them....
  • GavinGavin
    Posts: 2,799
    Ctrl + c, click in the url bar, ctrl + v.

    Or, if you have a Mac, sell it and buy a PC, ctrl + c....
  • Or, if you have a Mac, sell it and buy a PC, ctrl + c....

    God knows that I won't ever do that!
  • francis
    Posts: 10,882

    PC or Mac...

    you can spend your time building the instrument or you can spend your time playing the music...

    Don't go there on this forum... You only show ignorance of the refined technology.
  • Or learn to type [anchor} . which works equally well on Macs and Windoze.
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 765
    I fear we're straying off topic here, chaps - that is, the cloth ears and narrow minds of some whose position and obligations mean they should know better.
  • If Francis has cloth ears and a narrow mind, sign me up for the implant. I wanna be like him.
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 765
    Non Francis, Noel, sed +Kieran.
  • How can a bishop stand in opposition to the Church?
  • IanWIanW
    Posts: 765
    It happens when they loose touch with Tradition, Noel. It's a form of alienation.
  • All I want to know: did the bishop have fun stormin' the castle, er, the cathedral?
    Did an English Quasimodo (how appropriate) pour flaming oil from the ramparts?