I just today for the first time looked at our disposable missallette for the Paschal Vigil (I wasn't being remiss, we had decided to use a program.)
The melody melody given for the Litany of the Saints was not one I had ever heard.
For instance:
Holy Mary, Mother of God -- Ti La
People's response, "Pray for us" -- Sol Sol La
We used the only one I have ever heard, nearly identical to the tune used to sing the Litany in Latin, (at least at St John Cantius and the Vatican.)
The missallette is LitPress. This year disposable WLP missallette has the tune with which I am familiar.
So I looked in the Sacramentary (duh!) and saw that the one Litpress printed was correct.
What gives?
I am wondering, given the vigor with which this and the Ecce Lignum, (and the Lumen Christi, now that I think of it,) are sung in English, if there was some interim "official version" when the Englished Mass was new, but when the new missal came out an unwise attempt at simplification created a new "official version" and it has been like putting toothpaste back in the tube.
Are the publishers of the disposables "bound" to use anything official in terms of music? I would guess not, given that any setting of the ordinary provided within the Order of Mass is usually one which the particular publisher wishes to push, to which it holds the copyright.
Along similar lines, I'm so aggravated at GIA and others only providing one musical version of "Amen" at the end of the EP. They seem to take it for granted that the Festal tone will always be sung since most people only come to church on Sundays. In fact most priests settle for chanting the Ferial tone, which only has 2 matching notes with no melodic movement. I figured out the "code" for which Amen was coming up decades ago. It's so simple. I refuse to lead the congregation in one melody, when it's the other that's appropriate.
This is such a simple concept!
And the traditional Litany of the Saints is really quite singable in any language!
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