Our cathedral choir is composed of members of individual church choirs, so our only contribution during Holy Week is for the Chrism Mass. This year we had 23 singers plus a brass quintet and organ, with the following sung repertoire:
O Redemptor (chant) Build Thee More Stately Mansions (G. Young) O for a Heart to Praise My God (R. Smith) Christ Became Obedient for Us unto Death (J. Lee)
Entrance: O God Beyond all Praising (arr. R. Proulx) Gloria: Community Mass (R. Proulx) Psalm: Forever I Will Sing (W. Ferris) Acclamation: Praise and Honor (P. French) Preparation of Gifts: I Am Alpha and Omega (J. Stainer) Ubi Caritas (Taize) Holy/Memorial/Amen: Community Mass (R. Proulx) Agnus Dei: (Jubilate Deo) Communion: O Living Bread from Heaven Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Hail True Body (anonymous) Closing: Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (tune: Angels from the Realms of Glory)
If you have a men's section that has been waiting to cut loose (but can be reined in when the women join) I Am Alpha and Omega is your ticket!
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